Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blog Watch: The No. 1 Most Disgusting Video on the Internet! Bar None!!!

I have truly been to the lowest levels of the Internet lately. Innocently dragged there by StumbleUpon.
I'm truly in a moral dilema about what I'm going to share with you in this post. I will not go into graphic detail. Actually I won't even send you directly to it, but instead will let you have the introduction I had to it - through another video showing the reactions of three college-aged girls watching what must only be a really, really, really disgusting video. Even better, there is now a whole site now dedicated to videos of people watching the video.

Here's another version of reactions to the same video.

In fact, I won't even go into detail about what this video is about. You have to find that out for yourself. Just be prepared that, unless you are a very small, small percentage of humans (and i stress humans because what you will see if you dare go there is actually pretty common in other species, but definitely taboo in our own) who like that kind of thing, this will absolutely repulse you. I'm totally serious. I was almost sick.
For your own sanity, just keep in mind that with a minor colour-change technique, chocolate ice cream can be made to look like anything.
It's still pretty horiffic. My stomach turned.
I don't know who's worse, the people who made this piece of fresh Hell, or me, for passing it on to you.

So go here if you dare. Don't say I didn't warn you. I tried.

For something completely different, check out my great blog all about the place where I live - Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC.

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