Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Dreaded D Box!!!

Okay so hopefully this will be the last entry about this. Frankly it's starting to creep me out a little.
I sent an email to Benjamin Grundy, host of the Mysterious Universe podcast, thinking he might be interested in the events of the last couple of days, especially my own little computer problems.

I received this reply:

Oh no! Not that damn box again.

Thanks for the email Steven. Ever since doing that show I've been flooded with emails from listeners complaining about the "bad luck" they've received since listening.

I still get at least 1 per week.

Let us never speak of it again ;)

Thanks for listening.

All the best,

Ben Grundy

I agree, Ben. Let's not!

Ogopogo Witness Critically Ill in Indian Hospital

I found this interesting bit of news about a BC guy who seems attract weirdness.

It comes from this great blog

A witness to a famous Ogopogo sighting in 2004 is lying critically ill in hospital in India after a freak accident aboard a local train.

Josh Casorso, his father John and other members of his family were aboard a houseboat on Okanagan Lake on August 9, 2004 when at about 7:30 in the morning they were suddenly awakened by a collision between an unknown object and their houseboat. The Casorso family were jolted awake by the impact and they promptly rushed above decks to see what could have struck their vessel.

The Casorsos spotted a long sinuous creature displaying a series of humps swimming away from their boat. John Casorso whipped out his digital camera and began recording the creature. I have seen about 30 seconds of the footage, but I would not say that it definitely shows Ogopogo, but it does show something very unusual in the water that COULD be Ogopogo.

Read the whole story here:

Friday, January 26, 2007

Dibbuk Box - the story continues...

Kevin, the original box owner, got back to me with the following reply:


I found your blog after one of the many people who watch the net for "Dibbuk Box" stuff sent me your address. It looks like you are from the Northwest which caught my eye. It also looked like you were honestly curious about the matter, as opposed to someone with an agenda or a pre-conceived idea of what it was all about. It has been a fascinating story and a wild experience. Let's hope that this arms length correspondence is as "personal" as it ever gets for you. I don't know how to explain the things have happened around the box. I know what happened when I had it, and I have been contacted by the current owner and he has told me of his experiences which are bizarre to say the least. Then, beyond myself, the guy I sold the box to, and the current owner, there are literally hundreds of accounts that I have received from people all over the world, as has the current owner, who claim that they have had freaky and oddly similar experiences while researching or following the story. There have been numerous accounts of people, who are totally unrelated, having their computers spontaneously combust. Just as common are the numbers of individuals whose eyesight is affected. I have no explanation, but it does continue to intrigue me and pique my curiosity.

Consider me a new friend in the N.W.

There is a somewhat humorous salutation that has become popular among those who follow the story...

Don't mock the Box,


By the way, last night i had problems with the display on my laptop.
I also had an odd error message show up when i tried to view this post after I first published it. Neither have ever happened before!

Now It Gets Even Stranger - Dibbuk Box (cont.)

Okay, this is weird. My last entry was about the Dibbuk Box.
Well, this morning, I checked my email and there was this message:

Hey Steve,
I was the original owner of the Dibbuk Box. I was the one who posted it on eBay. Everything I put in that listing was real and can be substantiated with documentation and public records. If you ever have any questions, feel free to write me at _______-________
I just thought you'd like to know,

Now I'm still trying to figure out how this came about.
I have only had this blog up and running since about the 8th of the month and i have talked about this blog to nearly no one.
I am assuming that Kevin is using a RSS tool like Google Alerts to keep track of the box and stories about it. Considering the posting had only been up one day, I'm pretty impressed.
It was cool that he wrote me back personally.

His name, by the way, is Kevin Mannis. After a bit of Googling, his name did come up as the original owner.

The Truth is out there!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Dibbuk Box - Yikes!!

I have recently subscribed to a podcast Mysterious Universe. Their halloween show has a really spooky story about the Dibbuk Box - an apparently cursed artifact. It is very Raiders of the Lost Ark stuff.

Is it true or an elaborate hoax designed to spread virally through suckers like me? Read and listen if you dare!!

Mysterious Universe is a weekly program dedicated to bringing you the latest news from beyond the mainstream. From future science, ancient history, and the paranormal to the UFO phenomenon, join us in taking an alternative look into the Universe around us.

There is going to be a movie on the subject.

I love this stuff.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

TV on the Internet

I've been spending a lot of time at this site:

It has a huge range of programs including shows on tv now like Weeds and Heroes. It basically has 3 categories: TV shows, Cartoons (my favorites are The Venture Bros. and Robot Chicken) and Anime.
I'm 3/4 of the way through the whole run of the X Files. Oddly, Season Four is missing! Perhaps it's time to call in Mulder and Scully...
For Vancouverites like me, it's fun to see people I know, like Jacques Lalonde, Claire Riley and Lorena Gale. Even saw Morris Panych in one episode. He's pretty sinister as a body-burning doctor.
Of course, the locations are fun to revisit, too.
In the same vein, check out the old episodes of the Twilight Zone. A true classic.

Another site worth spending time at is this one:
which features one of my favorite NFB animated short, The Man Who Planted Trees, a truly poetic and inspiring story narrated by Christopher Plummer.

All these play with Google video or some similar player so most people (PC users anyway) won't need to install any new software.

The best part?

Monday, January 08, 2007

Welcome to my first personal blog!

So who am I?

Up until 4 years ago I was working full time in the healthcare field as a group home worker. A stress-related work injury gave me an opportunity to career jump after 13 years, and so, after finding out about the Arts and Entertainment Management program at Capilano College, jump I did.

It was an emotional and frightening move for me, but a lifesaving one, nonetheless. The only thing I miss is the paycheque, and while important, is unsubstantial when I think about how much more fulfilling and interesting my life is these days.

My business card now calls me producer, publisher, talent agent, graphic designer, poet. Add to that teacher, publicist, and corporate sponsorship development officer and you begin to get an idea. Primarily, I think of myself as a writer. I’ve probably been doing that the longest and it is something that I still dedicate a lot of time to everyday, whether I’m blogging, creating press releases and marketing articles, or just journaling. I work part-time in the marketing department of the Vancouver Civic Theatres. Although my job isn’t very glamorous (website updating and number crunching) I do get to see some great shows from time to time.

I’m basically self-employed, working from home, running a business teaching marketing and corporate fundraising to artists and non-profits. I also run a small talent agency dealing with corporate events and bringing entertainers into schools.

On occasion I do get to be an artist myself and was most recently was involved as director of a multi-disciplinary show called ANU, which took place at the Roundhouse Community Centre.

I am also proudly president of Vancouver Celtic Festival Society and am it’s spoken word co-ordinator for the festival (March 14-18, 2007).

You can hear me every week on Co-op Radio’s Wax Poetic (Wednesdays at 2pm PST) where I co-host a show with Vancouver Poetry House president Randy Jacobs a.k.a. R.C. Weslowski. Tune us in at 102.7 on your fm dial or go to

I live in East Vancouver’s vibrant Commercial Drive neighbourhood, which is known for its food and it’s live entertainment. Living in a multi-culturally diverse, working class neighbourhood with lots of old houses, artists and coffee shops, I feel very fortunate to be able to walk out my door any time of the day or night, and within 5 minutes, be able to experience some of the best food and music found anywhere in the city.

Why a blog like this?

I’ve always harboured the fantasy of having an opinion column. When I created my first blog, The Creative Spin, for artists looking to learn more about making a living from art, I immediately saw the blog’s potential and wanted to explore the technology further.

I’ve been journaling for several years but, aside from a few pointed poems, I’ve kept my opinions to myself.

I guess that if I were to open a library, like the US presidents do, this blog would be it -an unabridged collection of things that are somehow important to me; my own little curiosity shop!

It will be a musing almanac. I’ll even throw on some poetry. Why not? I’ll include links I find interesting, news items, events I go to, stories I hear, whatever.

It won’t necessarily be a daily post, because my crazy self-employed life won’t allow me that luxury (lucky for my subscribers!) but I hope to keep it fresh. If you like what you read here, I encourage you to check out my other blog and my corporate site and comment on them if you wish.

I’ve also started an online Vancouver events calendar which is open to anyone who wants to add their own events. It’s a great resource for you out of town folk, who want to find some fun to do when you’re here. Let your friends know about it, too!

I hope you enjoy this blog. Feel free to comment! I’d love to hear from you.

Charles Hatfield: One More Reason To Not Trust The Government

Back near this day in 1916, rainmaker Charles Mallory Hatfield, who claimed to successfully produce rain 500 times, was approached by the drought-plagued San Diego city council to fill the Morena Dam reservoir.

Hatfield offered to produce rain for free, then charge $1,000 per inch ($393.7 per centimetre) for between forty to fifty inches (1.02 to 1.27 m) and free again over fifty inches (1.27 m). The council voted four to one for a $10,000 fee, payable when the reservoir was filled.

The rain did come. Too much rain!

By January 27, 3 dams had overflowed, killing at least 20 people and causing an estimated 4.3 million dollars in damage.

The San Diego city council refused to pay, stating that the rain was an “act of god”, not the result of Hatfield’s chemical formula. There was no written contract in place.

Hatfield’s fame continued to grow, despite this legal fiasco.

Finally, the Great Depression did the great rainmaker in. Lack of rain forced Charles Hatfield back to his old job as a sewing machine salesman.

Find out more about him here: